Lafayette 200 - Frederick County Public Library Events
Lafayette's Farewell Tour Lecture Series
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour saw the French 67-year-old last surviving major general of the American Revolution triumphantly return to the country he loved. From August 15, 1824 to September 9, 1825, Lafayette covered over 6,000 miles by carriage, stagecoach, canal barge, and steamboat, traveling to all 24 existing states, as well as visiting Frederick.
Join Dr. Patricia L. Maclay of the American Friends of Lafayette for a series of talks to learn more about the Marquis de Lafayette. Topics covered will include Lafayette and Human Rights, Abolition, Civil rights for Women and Native Americans, and Conservation and Sustainability. Develop a broader appreciation of Lafayette, a much more multifaceted man than is presented in school history classes. Attend one, attend two, attend them all.
Thurmont Regional Library | 9/11 – 6pm: Lafayette and Conservation and Sustainability
Brunswick Branch Library | 10/30 – 1 pm: Lafayette and Abolition
Walkersville Branch Library | 11/24 – 1:30 pm: Lafayette and Civil Rights for Women and Native Americans, and Religious Freedom
C. Burr Artz Public Library | 12/1 – 2 pm: Lafayette and Human Rights
Dr. Maclay is a lifetime member of the American Friends of Lafayette (AFL) and serves on its Governing Board. She is the National Steering Committee Vice Chair responsible for the 13-month 24-state Bicentennial of Lafayette’s Farewell Tour that kicked-off in New York City in August 2024. Patti gives national and local presentations on Lafayette’s life and the Farewell Tour and also serves on multiple Tour planning committees including New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC.
Lafayette 200 Traveling Exhibition
The AFL has developed a multi banner traveling exhibit which will be on display at FCPL from September through December. The banners tell the important stories of Lafayette’s life and legacy including his American Revolution participation, his critical role in cementing the Franco-American Alliance, and his lifelong passion for human rights. This history is shared through historic images, carefully researched label copy, and engaging graphic design. Additionally, there is a panel focused on his return as Guest of the Nation in 1824-1825, and the efforts of the American Friends of Lafayette to commemorate this bicentennial in 2024-2025. This exhibit strives to make Lafayette’s story more accessible and relevant to today’s citizens.
Thurmont Regional Library – September
Brunswick Branch Library – October
C. Burr Artz Public Library – November and December