
About Us

The Burkittsville Union Cemetery is located at
5 East Cemetery Drive in Burkittsville, Maryland
and is open from sunrise to sunset.

Mailing address:
The Burkittsville Union Cemetery Company, Inc.
PO Box 378
Burkittsville, MD 21718 


Phone: (301) 202-4443

We are a volunteer non-profit 501(c)(13) organization working to restore and protect our historical cemetery. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.

Our mission:
The Burkittsville Union Cemetery Company’s mission is to shepherd the property into the present century and to
re-establish its 19th century charm, as a focal point in the community and a place of reflection, recreation and relaxation.

Sunrise in the cemetery, Preservation Day 2019

Sunrise in the cemetery, Preservation Day 2019