Tourism Grants

Visit Frederick (The Tourism Council of Frederick County) offers two grants for the purpose of increasing tourism in Frederick County. The Frederick County Main Street Communities Cooperative Fund and the Tourism Reinvestment in Promotion and Product Program offer participants an opportunity to apply for additional funding to improve tourism in existing events and areas and to assist in new projects that may generate tourism.

Established through a Memorandum of Understanding between the County and Tourism, the Frederick County Main Street Communities Cooperative Fund provides a formula driven allocation of a portion of the Frederick County Hotel Rental Tax proceeds to State designated Main Street Maryland communities whose Main Street boundaries are within Frederick County. The funds may be used for developing and promoting the Main Street program, with at least half of the amount received over 12 months used for marketing the Main Street outside of Frederick County. 

Through a competitive application process, the Tourism Reinvestment in Promotion and Product Program (TRIPP) allows a portion of the hotel tax revenue received by Visit Frederick to be allocated to cover certain marketing activities and to provide tourism product development grants for Frederick County non-profit organizations.

Learn more and apply for a TRIPP Grant 

For more information or questions about grant opportunities through Visit Frederick, contact Katie Reichard, Operations Director, at 301-600-4043.